

launch_frozen (PyInstaller)


The majority of the time spent by Hadoopy (and Dumbo) is in the TypedBytes conversion code. This is a simple binary serialization format that covers standard types with the ability to use Pickle for types not natively supported. We generate a large set of test vectors (using the script), that have primatives, containers, and a uniform mix (GrabBag). The idea is that by factoring out the types, we can easily see where optimization is needed. Each element is read from stdin, then written to stdout. Outside of the timing all of the values are compared to ensure that the final written values are the same. Four methods are compared: Hadoopy TypedBytes (, Hadoopy TypedBytes file interface (, TypedBytes (, and cTypedBytes ( All columns are in seconds except for ratio. The ratio is min(TB, cTB) / HadoopyFP (e.g., 7 means HadoopyFP is 7 times faster).

Filename Hadoopy HadoopyFP TB cTB Ratio
double_100k.tb 0.148790 0.119961 0.904720 0.993845 7.541784
float_100k.tb 0.145637 0.118920 0.883124 0.992447 7.426198
gb_100k.tb 4.638573 4.011934 25.577765 16.515563 4.116609
bool_100k.tb 0.171327 0.150975 0.942188 0.542741 3.594907
dict_50.tb 0.394323 0.364878 1.649921 1.225979 3.359970
tuple_50.tb 0.370037 0.413579 1.546317 1.241491 3.001823
byte_100k.tb 0.183307 0.164549 0.894184 0.487520 2.962767
list_50.tb 0.355870 0.370738 1.529233 1.092422 2.946614
int_100k.tb 0.234842 0.193235 0.922423 0.526160 2.722903
long_100k.tb 0.761289 0.640638 1.727951 1.957162 2.697234
bytes_100_10k.tb 0.069889 0.069375 0.147470 0.096838 1.395862
string_100_10k.tb 0.106642 0.104784 0.157907 0.106571 1.017054
string_10k_10k.tb 6.392013 6.527343 6.494607 6.949912 0.994985
bytes_10k_10k.tb 3.073718 3.123196 3.039668 3.100858 0.973256
string_1k_10k.tb 0.742198 0.719119 0.686382 0.676537 0.940786
bytes_1k_10k.tb 0.379785 0.370314 0.329728 0.339387 0.890401
gb_single.tb 0.045760 0.042701 0.038656 0.034925 0.817896